
Food & Beverage

Filtration is a critical element in the food and beverage industry. Filtration helps keep foods fresher and prolongs product shelf life from premature spoilage. Good filtration also makes products cleaner, safer, and even taste better.

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Our thermally bonded fibre cartridges deliver effective pre filtration for a wide range of both alcoholic and non alcoholic aperitifs.


Saipols’ high-flow membranes provide breweries a more straightforward way to filter and clarify beer. Our membranes deliver cost-effective solutions for breweries of all sizes.

Bottled Water

Our range of microbiological membranes offers bio protection and bottled water line sterilisation from rinse to dispensation.

Dairy Products

For consistent end product quality and reduced line and cross-flow contamination, the Saipols range of dairy filtration membranes delivers optimum cost-effective results.

Soft Drinks

Saipols depth filters provide cost effective filtration, helping to deliver consistent quality, flavour enriched product for a wide range of soft drinks and juices.


Our cellulose filter cartridges ensure optimum quality of a wide range of spirits.


Our range of micro-filters and membrane separation processes remove unwanted colour, taste, odour and turbidity, ensuring a degradation-free end product.


Our range of vinegar-tolerant pressurized sediment removal filters is both cost-effective and flow-rate-friendly.


Our particular range of filters are purpose-built and range in various porosities and heights. Unlike traditional filter sheets, our range delivers lower drip loss and protects against dissolved oxygen (DO) pickup.